Thursday, June 27, 2013

growth aid exams ( how much growth will I get? )

Posted by Yahya at 9:11 PM
summer is a time for testing growth aids!

lately when I use growth aids I've been using more than one and so am unable to know what is really contributing to my growth. for example, in my crazy growth overload challenge I got an inch a month, but did not know what was contributing to it. so since it's summer and I have more free time I will be taking advantage of it by testing and recording my growth aids separately, one at a time. I've already experimented with taking zinc supplements for 3 weeks. taking zinc was what I thought contributed to my rapid increase in growth in my recent growth challenge, but surprisingly I did not notice any increased growth rate. I might test it again in the future, but not this summer.

so here is my planned testing schedule (most of them are 3 week long periods):
  • june 20 - july 4 ) cayenne pepper
  • july 7 - 14 ) inversion method
  • july 15 - 29) bamboo tea
  • july 30 - august 13 ) sulfur mn mix
  • august 14 - sept 4 ) green house effect method & natural dry shampoo
  • september 5 - 15 ) cowash, oil rinse, & no manipulation
another reason I'm choosing summer is because hair usually grows a little more in summer weather. hair grows better in warmer seasons because cell division, the cause of hair growth, increases due to increased circulation.
listed here are my updated growth exam posts
update 1

cayenne pepper oil is known to work as a growth aid by increasing the scalp's circulation. there are two chemicals found in the pepper that are thought to contribute to this: capsaicin and quercetin. capsaicin stimulates the follicles, while quercetin brings blood flow to the scalp. girls who have tried it report tingling/burning sensations when they use it, while others report barely feeling anything. most times that I have used my cayenne pepper oil, I also barely feel anything. from what I've read, however, whether you feel stimulation or not the cayenne pepper is still working. this is most likely because the increase in circulation is actually due to the two chemicals present in the pepper and not just the tingling. this looks like a great option if you're too lazy to massage your scalp to increase blood flow like me!

there are some bad reports about very itchy scalps by some healthy hair journey girls, but these reports seem to be from girls who used it too often or were allergic. some people let it sit on their scalp for a week, crazy people that like to live life on the edge! sorry bungee jumpers out there, but I'm pretty sure-footed. to be safe I use it before washing, usually while I prepoo/hot oil. I haven't had any bad reactions.

I've already used it a week ago and had it on my scalp for about 30-60 minutes before washing. I'll be applying again after posting this and will be letting it sit overnight since I haven't noticed much burning, or even tingling all the times I've used this. the oil mix I've used until now was very simple, just cayenne pepper powder and olive oil. but tonight I'm going to add a little more to give it a boost.

1 CUP olive oil
2 TBSP cayenne pepper
5 DROPS peppermint oil (optional)
1 TBSP jamacian black castor oil (optional)

note that after mixing your vegetable oil and pepper powder you have to let it sit for a week for it to fully infuse. though I use olive oil, any vegetable oil can be used. I good idea would probably be to use castor oil as the base as it's a growth aid by itself. the cayenne pepper will act as a catalyst, helping the castor oil penetrate the scalp better. if I notice an increase in growth, in the future I'll probably try cayenne pepper powder mixed with jamacian black castor oil. but for now, it's just a tablespoon. 


Mary Popkin on January 9, 2017 at 8:49 PM said...

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